what we do

IAA prioritizes empowerment of women, children and men against child sexual abuse,domestic violence, rape, elder abuse and all forms of..

IAA prioritizes empowerment of women, children and men against child sexual abuse,domestic violence, rape, elder abuse and all forms of abuse. This is done through education and public advocacy, campagnes, enlightening seminars and symposiums. These platforms help enlighten people about their legal rights and various options available for them in instances of domestic violence. IAA aims to provide support through every means possible to victims ofabuse child sexual abuse, domestic violence, rape, elder abuse and other forms of abuse in order to help them rebuild their lives. Through the support of a strong legal team, the IAA also puts in utmost efforts to facilitate procedures to bring perpetrators to book and ensure justice to victims. IAA through public symposiums and seminars sensitizes the general public about gender equality.

In a bid to help improve living standards in the society, IAA also helps the Aged/elderly people and provides was to empower women economically